Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A Month of Celebrations

I know, I stink, it's been a few weeks since my last post -- I promise I will get better.

We had our 22 week check-up on the 7th, it was a pretty basic one.  Our doctor took some measurements and we also got to hear Bean's heartbeat on the doppler again -- I swear it never gets old.  She's currently at 150-160 BPM, which the doctor said is very strong. Next appointment is the gestational diabetes testing  at 26 weeks :( BOO! Fingers-crossed it goes well and I won't have to do the 3-hour testing.

This week we're 24 weeks!! 

We've had a lot to celebrate in a 2-1/2 week span.  One of our favorite little girls, Sydney, turned 1 so we kicked off our month of celebrations with her <3.  It was great watching her smash her cake :)  She sure had a good time devouring all that sugar!  It's crazy to think that she's a year old already.  Soon she'll have a little cousin to beat-up on play with.

We celebrated Adam's birthday with my parents at Seven Steakhouse and Sushi, on the 9th. He and my dad were in heaven with the Blue Point Oysters and Ribeyes.  On his actual birthday (the 11th), we had a nice quiet dinner at home.  Since I was a little kid birthdays have always been a big celebration however, Adam is the complete opposite and doesn't actually like to celebrate his birthday.  So I did my best to keep it as low key as possible.  He actually spent time cutting down one of the trees in our backyard (who wants to cut down a tree on their birthday?!? -My husband) while I made dinner and I picked up one of his favorite cakes from Cafe Latte. 

For Father's Day, Adam and my dad actually spent the day together golfing.  After they got done we went to my dad's favorite restaurant (I swear the man eats every meal there on the weekends), Pho 83, and had noodle soup for dinner.  When we got home Bean and I gave Adam his gift, he loved it!

We ended our celebration month with our anniversary on the 19th.  I can't believe it's been 3 years already!  As much as I joke about it being FOREVER ;) it really has gone by quickly.  Adam actually had to leave for Arizona on a business trip that morning until Saturday; and I had to turn around and leave after he returned, on Monday for the week.  So we celebrated by just spending Sunday together and staying in.  It was actually nice to have a slow paced day/evening for a change.  Below is a collage that our wedding photographer made for us right after the wedding as a preview.  I love to look at it and remember our day and the amazing people that helped us celebrate.

A couple weeks ago, I found myself bored waiting for an appointment.  So I decided to try a site given to me by a friend.  This is a preview of what Bean could potentially look like, LOL. 

Adam just shakes his head at me, but I'm positive he finds it amusing too! Only 5 more days til Dillon gets here!

How far a long? 24 weeks
Maternity clothes? Yes, and Adam's basketball shorts :)

Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Still sleeping pretty well, thanks to my Snoogle!
Best moment this week month: Adam getting to feel her move
Miss Anything? Raw Sushi
Movement: Oh yeah, especially at night; looks like she's going to be a night owl like her daddy.
Food cravings: Check out the board above
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still apple juice and Buca
Have you started to show yet: Yep
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Happy :)
Looking forward to: Telling Dillon we're expecting when he gets here!



Monday, June 3, 2013

We're having a little....

After many predictions, myths and believe it or not bets (a family of true Asians), the wait is finally over, we're having a little girl!  

We are very excited that we now get to refer to Bean as "she" or "her."  However, Adam is now starting to get nervous about how he is going to deal with having 2 full time females in the house :)  I think he's also succumb to the fact that this little girl is going to have him wrapped around her finger, poor guy's a goner!  Her grandmother, all of her aunts and I, on the other hand are looking forward to all the cute outfits we can put her into.  

Our lucky girl has already started receiving gifts in the mail.  She's very loved and very lucky; And we are very grateful for the amazing people and support we've got in our lives.

From Aunt Amy
From Aunt Tiffany

She's quite the active baby. Since day 1 she has been giving us a show during her ultrasounds. She loves doing somersaults and punching/kicking the walls of her current home.  She also has had her stubborn moments, where she has not wanted to cooperate to take pictures, Adam said she gets that from me.  Below is one very good shot our technician was able to get last week.

The technician also said you can see in a few of the pictures that she has her legs crossed like a perfect little lady, Adam's response, "Good, it better stay that way." 

With work trips, birthdays, our anniversary and Father's day, June is going to be a very busy month for us!  I think the next big project we've (Adam's) got is painting the nursery.  We had painted it when we first moved in, but now that we actually know she is going to be a girl, he's decided he doesn't like the current color anymore. 

Now that the weather is finally starting to look nice, we're looking forward to being able to do some more outdoor walking and exploring our new neighborhood.

How far a long? 21 weeks
Maternity clothes? Still wearing both

Stretch marks? Not yet
Sleep: Still getting a pretty good amount, however, getting up a lot more.  Very vivid dreams.
Best moment this week: Telling our  family and close friends we're having a little girl
Miss Anything? Steak -- brick well-done steak just doesn't do it for me
Movement: Oh yeah, especially at night
Food cravings: Just carbonated drinks 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still just apple juice
Have you started to show yet: Yes I am
Labor Signs: Nope
Belly Button in or out? Still in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:  Most of the time happy, I've been a little moody this week with feeling extra puffy.
Looking forward to: Still waiting for Adam to be able to feel her move

xoxo - Christina